Virginia Fire & Ambulance
Fire Occupancy Inspection Program
The Virginia Fire Department is committed to minimizing the risk of life and property loss from fire by taking a proactive steps to eliminating hazardous conditions. One means of accomplishing this is through the Fire Certificate of Occupancy Inspection Program. This Program aims to prevent fire or other emergencies from occurring by educating tenants and building owners in ways to control hazards and practice fire safety.
Each business will be sent a Business Fire Certificate of Occupancy Application annually. This information is crucial to the Fire Department. If called to your place of business when it is not in operation, it allows them to contact the representative(s) listed as emergency contacts and update them as conditions warrant. A copy of our inspection sheet is attached.
Ordinance requires that every business be inspected under this program. A copy of the inspection sheet can be found HERE.
We anticipate that the most common violations we will identify through this program to be:
Egress Issues
Knox Box Maintenance
Exit Signs/Emergency Lighting
Electrical Hazards
Extension Cords and Multi-Plug Adapters
Fire Alarm and Sprinkler Maintenance
Fire Extinguisher Maintenance.
Starting on January 1, 2020, inspections will be conducted Monday through Friday from 8:00 am - 4:30 pm using the schedule on the attached map. Those who wish to schedule their inspection rather than having the Fire Marshall’s Office & Inspectors stopping by can call 218-748-7520 to set up a time.
Fire Certificate of Occupancy Inspection fees are based on square footage and are set by City Council resolution. In 2020, the fees are as follows:
Annual Fee for Inspection = Square Footage of the Building x 0.005
Re-Inspection Fee = No Charge
2nd Re-Inspection Fee = $200.00
If any code violations are found, a letter will be sent to the business and property owner. Violations need to be corrected and re-inspected within 30 days of the initial inspection. It is the owner’s responsibility to schedule the re-inspection. There is no charge for the first re-inspection. A $200.00 fee will be charged for the second re-inspection and for each subsequent re-inspection thereafter.
Following completion of all inspections, an invoice will be sent to the business and property owner. The City is unaware of contractual or lease arrangements between the property owner and tenant. It is imperative the property owner and tenant coordinate payment of the invoice to avoid double payment. Unpaid invoices will be certified to the property taxes.
Once payment is received, the Fire Certificate of Occupancy will be mailed to the business. Please post/display the certificate in your place of business, as required by ordinance.
Together we can eliminate code violations and be “partners in safety”. We can do this through education and making responsible choices regarding safety. The Virginia Fire Department is committed to reducing fire hazards and property loss through effective public education and providing the public with the knowledge and skills needed to reach this goal. We look forward to working with you, and appreciate your efforts in helping make Virginia a safer community. Please feel free to contact us at any time with questions or concerns.
Virginia Fire Department