Virginia Fire & Ambulance
Uniform Code
SEC. 10.31 Minnesota Uniform Fire Code
Sec.13.31 Minnesota Uniform Code
Adoption. The 2006 Minnesota Fire Code, as adopted pursuant to Minnesota Statues 299F.011, hereinafter referred to as MSFC, is hereby adopted as the Fire Code for the City of Virginia, Minnesota. One copy of said code shall be marked CITY OF VIRGINIA OFFICIAL COPY and kept on file in the Office of the City Clerk and open to the inspection and use of the public.
Storage of Flammable an Explosives Material. No bulk plants for storage of flammable and combustible liquids, or bulk storage of liquefied petroleum gam, not established on the effective date of this section, shall be permitted. No storage of explosives or blasting agents shall be permitted.
Recreational Fires. Recreational Fires will be allowed without a permit, but subject to limitations which will be strictly enforced. The following rules will apply:
A. Burning will be allowed from 9:00am to 12 (midnight) any day of the week, with a maximum of six(6) hours for any fire on any given day of the week.
B. All fires must be in a fire ring (no more than 3 feet in diameter and a flame height of 3 feet high will be allowed) or a border designed from natural rock, cement, brick, tile or black ferrous metal only, and an outdoor wood burning style fireplace of which the area is depressed below ground, on the ground, or a raised bed.
C. Only cleaned dry firewood may be burned, with a minimum of 1-inch diameter. No brush, yard building, household waste or treated wood may be burned.
D. The fire consistently attended by an adult person knowledgeable in the use of fire extinguishing equipment and an adult attendant supervises the fire until the fire is completely extinguished. Any means of controlling the fire must be available at all time (buckets, shovels, and garden hoses, for example).
E. The fire must be located on your own property, if the fire is an easement area, you must have approval from all involved parties.
F. Fires are not allowed if winds are in excess of 15 miles per hour. Current weather conditions may be checked on the National Weather Service website. Enter your zip code into the search box for current conditions.
G. Recreational fires shall not be constructed within 25 feet of any structure.
H. Any Police or Fire Officer may withdraw permission for the fires, due to climatic conditions, extreme dryness, nuisance problems, including offensive order or smoke in the neighborhood, or violations of the guidelines.
I. A person violating any recreational Fire provisions or City Code Section 10.31 is subject to an administrative fine of $25.00. A second violation within twelve months of a previous violation is subject to an administrative citation with a penalty of two times the previous imposed penalty. All costs incurred because of the burn including, but no limited to, fire suppression, administrative fees, property damage and personal injuries will be the responsibility of the adult in charge or the homeowner.